
Mobile Furnace Inspection Cameras (Portable Air Cooled Furnace Inspection Periscopes)

We offer two types of Mobile Furnace Inspection Cameras to give quick and easy views inside Glass Melting Furnaces and Forehearths. Both cameras, manufactured by our partner Heat-Up, are air cooled, requiring only one air supply. The cameras are battery powered and the images can be relayed to a laptop computer. No mains power supply is needed. The images can be captured as a still frame or as a video clip.

Inspection camera in standard version & lightweight version

The Standard Mobile Inspection Camera is a more robust design with carrying case and the Light Weight Mobile Inspection Camera is a stripped down version which can be split in half for transport in a suitcase.

Both cameras are air cooled and have a choice of fields of view, for instance, 300 or 600, and can be forward looking or with an angle of view of 600 or 900, or combinations.


If you have further question about the product feel free to contact us.

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