
PSR Stirrer Systems

Additional to the refractory material for stirrer, our partner -Spencer Refractories Ltd. (PSR) designs complete stirrer systems including Steelwork, drive and control systems. The rigid forehearth coloring systems can handle tonnages over 100 t/d.

Anti Cat Scratch Stirrer

For the Anti Cat Scratch Systems PSR gives a full money back guarantee, which in more than 70 world wide sold systems never was claimed.

The material for the stirrer again is PSR-333 with high resistance against corrosion and a good thermal shock property. For exchange of used stirrers the support is shifted away from the hot channel.

Key features

  • Forehearth coloring systems up to 100 t/d
  • Anti Cat Scratch Stirrer
  • Guaranteed performance for Anti Cat Scratch Stirrer
  • Stirrer material PSR-333 and PSR-993
  • Final quality control at preassembled channel


If you have further question about the product feel free to contact us.

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