For many years we are supplying hand held Pyrometers for the quick and easy measurement of glass mould temperatures. The mould temperature measurement device Handy Pyrometer VI is now the 6th generation of this very successful model family. As an option the unit can be equipped with an interface for the PC or Laptop which allows the user to transfer easily and quickly all measurements from the device into the software Microsoft EXCEL.
For regular check-up and calibration of the mould measuring instrument Handy Pyrometer VI the wall mounted charger can be equipped with an optional calibration oven. Especially if a glass plants operates several pyrometers it is important to ensure that all devices show identical temperature readings. In addition, the natural aging of the fiberoptic probes can be compensated by regular calibration of the devices. In case a user does not want to purchase his own calibration oven option we also offer a chargeable calibration service. The Handy Pyrometers need to be returned to us for this service.
If you have further question about the product feel free to contact us.