With a wide variety of refractory shapes and sizes, our partner Parkinson-Spencer Refractories Ltd. (PSR) refractory materials cover almost all high temperature applications in the glass manufacturing process.
PSR manufactures refractories from different materials, which are exactly adapted to the production process of the glass industry and the respective customer requirements. The high production quality of these refractory materials is ensured by a quality process that has been optimized over many years and thus optimally supports the production of any product made of glass.
PSR continues to be the licensee of Emhart Glass refractory products. In particular, parts of the Metering Spout System can be purchased from PSR in excellent quality (except 585).
Refractory consumables are manufactured under license from EMHART GLASS in the following grades: PSR-315, PSR-333, PSR-333FG, PSR-311.
PSR Refractories made of high quality materials meet both the glass industry production process and customer requirements for the manufacture of products made of glass. Including high production quality of all refractories.
Contact us directly for questions about refractories and other products. Our contact persons at gr² will be pleased to assist you at any time.